遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire) 

はじめに (Preface)





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If I ask someone in Japan, who is not familiar with England but loves dogs, whether he know Yorkshire, he may reply "Yes, you are asking me about a lovely dog, aren't you?" thinking of Yorkshire Terriers. If I ask someone who has taken a trip to south England whether he knows Leeds, he may reply "Yes, it is the beautiful castle encircled by the lake, isn't it?" thinking of Leeds Castle, Kent.
Yorkshire, I am talking about here, is the district of north England, and Leeds is the biggest city there.
I had a chance to stay in Leeds for a year from 1985 to 1986 as a visitor of the University of Leeds. I wrote a book in Japanese entitled "The View of England from Yorkshire", which covers the history and the culture of England based on what I saw , heard and read through the eyes of a visitor of Yorkshire, and published it in 2008 at my own expense. The two-volume book, in which I wrote everything I wanted to write, is too thick and consequently it is not easy to read.

This time, I have published a smaller book written in both Japanese and English, introducving Yorkshire with many of my watercolours. The new one , I hope, will help many people to know about Yorkshire and enjoy the beautiful scenery of it.

The word "Yorkshire" sounds distinctive. And I feel something nostalgic on hearing it. But I don't know the reason well. This feeling might come from the image of Emily Bronte's novel "Wuthering Heights" that I read long ago, which still remains in my memory. Whenever I hear "Yorkshire", the image of the bleak moors of heather growing thickly emerges in my mind.

During my stay in Leeds, there were two things which captured my heart by informing alluring Yorkshire. One was BBC's TV drama "Last of the Summer Wine". It was a comedy that three elderly men, loving mischief, caused troubles involving the peopl of Holmfirth, a small town of southwest Yorkshire. I could hardly catch what they were saying because of not only my poor listening ability but their strong Yorkshire dialect. Though some difficulties, I was able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yorkshire behind them.

The other was the book entitled "James Herriot's Yorkshire", which I happened to pick up at a bookshop. Without this book, my stay might come to an end without knowing the charm of Yorkshire.
The cinema "Calendar Girls", which was set in the Yorkshire Dales, was shown in Japan in 2004 and increased my adoration of Yorkshire.

I did not visit all of Yorkshire, and I could not introduce all the places where I visited because of the limit of pages. But I am sure that many people know the charm of Yorkshire by this book.
I put English text for English people, hoping that they enjoy this book too. Furthermore, I hope they know here is a Japanese man who was so fascinated by Yorkshire and that they know what he saw and thought in Yorkshire.
I wrote this book using the style of walking around Yorkshire from the city centre of Leeds to the outskirts of it and then to the countryside.

*ジェイムズ・ヘリオット(James Herriot)  本名ジェイムズ・アルフレッド・ワイト。1916年スコットランド生まれ。獣医師で作家。ヨークシャー北部を仕事場とし、そこを舞台とした一連の自伝的小説はBBCでTVドラマ化され、国民的人気を博した。1995年没。

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