遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

古都ヨーク (York)

18 中世の路地 “ザ・シャンブルズ” (The Shambles)



The Shambles, a narrow street symbolising medieval York, is said to be one of the best preserved medieval streets in Europe. It is my favorite street in York.
On both sides of this street, timber-framed houses stand overhanging it. As the upper the storeys go, the more they overhang, one could jump from the window of the second floor into the opposite side window across the street, I thought.
The name of the street, the Shambles, derives from "shamel", the Angro-Saxons' word meaning a stall to display meat for sale. In the Middle Ages, butcher's shops stood side by side on the both sides of this street.
No. 35 is famous Margaret Clitherow's House, now the Shrine of St Margaret Clitherow. Margaret, a young butcher's wife is said to be alleged to have hidden Jesuit priests in her house, whose missionary work was forbidden in those days in England. She was pressed to death on the 17th of March in 1586. To my surprise, it was in 1970, almost 400 years later, when she was cannonized as St Margaret of York.

I like timberr-framed houses, because they have similarity to the traditional Japanese houses. Both of them are made with timbers and walls covered with plaster. The upper stories of English timber-framed houses overhang to make what are called jetties, but Japanese houses are not jettied to the outside. Some of three-storey timber-framed houses, having big heads, look like as if they were mushrooms.
The exposed timbers used for posts, beams and braces become old to be discoloured and the grains of wood are in relief. The surfaces of the walls, which are filled with wattle and daub, then covered over with plaster, are weathered and blurred with rainwater to draw patterns. These timbers and walls look very old, very charming. Furthermore the houses are often distorted and lean somewhat on one side. Those features are also charming. I love them very much.
The timber-framed house which has many studs or braces is called half-timbered. In some half-timbered houses, the timbers are painted black and the walls are white. The contrast of black timbers and white walls is vivid and those houses are beautiful. They are often called magpie houses, though some of them, such as Little Morton Hall, Cheshire, are too showy. Frankly speaking, I prefer unpainted houses.

*ティンバー・フレームド造り (timber-framed)  中世の建築方法の一つ。家の壁を、柱や梁、貫、筋交いなどからなる骨組みと、木の枝などを心材にした土壁でつくる方法。11、2世紀に生まれ、15、6世紀までに盛んに用いられた建築方法。骨組みに使われる木材としては、耐久性のあるオーク材が最良とされた。

*僧侶の穴 (priest's hole)  エリザベス1世(在位1558-1603)の時代、体制転覆を図るカトリック勢力の陰謀が相次いだため、1585年に、カトリックに対する取り締まりが強化された。そして、カトリックの司祭はそれだけの理由で火刑に、信者には多額の罰金が科せられるようになった。そこでカトリックの信者らは、プロテスタント(国教会)に改宗したことを装っていたが、自宅に「僧侶の穴」と呼ばれる隠し部屋を作り、そこにカトリックの司祭や当局から追われている信者らをかくまいながら信仰をつづけていた。  

*ハーフ・ティンバード造り (half-timbered)  ティンバー・フレームド造りの一種。木骨を密に入れたために木材の部分が多くなった造りがこう呼ばれる。イングランド東部では、太い間柱を密に入れて縦縞模様の外観をもったものが多い。北西部では、木骨の枠の中に筋交いをヘリングボーン(杉綾模様)や四葉模様、十字模様などになるように入れたものが多い。当時、オーク材は高価だったため、それをふんだんに使ったハーフ・ティンバード造りは、それだけその家の財力を誇示することになった。

(An example of half-timbered house, Cromwell House, Ely)

(An example of half-timbered house, Smithills Hall, Great Manchester)

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