遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)

58 スウェイトの上からマカーの方向 [スウェイルデイル]
   (Towards Muker from above Thwaite, Swaledale)

 チェコのジャーナリストで作家のカレル・チャペック(1890-1938)は、紀行文『イギリスだより』のなかで、「イギリスの田舎は、仕事のためにあるのではない。それは、目の保養のためである。イギリスの田舎は、庭園そのもののように緑にみちて、天国のように汚れを知らない」(飯島 周 編訳、ちくま文庫)と記している。


Looking back towards the direction of Muker from above Thwaite, I found a splendid view of Swaledale. It was a refreshing and really beautiful view and very Swaledale.
Karel Capek, a Czech journalist and writer, described his travels in England in the journal, "Anglicke Listy": the countryside of England exists for feasting their eyes not for working there, and it is full of greens like gardens and innocence like the heaven.
I agree with him thoroughly and would like to replace the word of "England " with "Yorkshire".
The motoring atras of England marks the view points where we can enjoy the scenery. I found there is only small parking space for one or two and a bench at such a point.
I, once in a while, saw an elderly couple were sitting on the bench and reading books or knitting something. And they were sometimes enjoying the views with chatting. They seemed to spend a whole day by doing so until the sun sets in the west. I caught a glimpse of one of the English people's ways of life in the countryside, I thought.

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