遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

リーズ (Leeds)

6 オトリ―の丘からの眺め (The View from the Hill at Otley)


When I was driving along the A660 to Otley, rocks appeared at the edge of the hill on the left. Climbing them up, I could see the whole countryside in the north. Green meadows spread below from the foot of the hill, and a river flows among them from left to right. It was the River Wharfe. On the river side, a factory made of red bricks stood there with a tall chimney. It looked like a spinning mill, though I was not sure.
On the hill over the meadow, there is a lump of rocks, possibly 50 or 60 feet high. I knew later the rocks are called North Rigton.
From Derbyshire to Yorkshire in north of England, there are several rocky landforms like North Rigton, and young rock-climbers are challenged by the slabs and buttresses of them.
In the far distance over North Rigton, a town was veiled in a haze. That was Harrogate, the city on the north of Leeds. Then I wished to go to North Rigton and climb it the next time.

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