遥かなる わがヨークシャー(Faraway My Yorkshire)
古都ヨーク (York)
20 セント・ウィリアムズ・カレッジ (St William's College)
There are always a great number of tourists on the west side of York Minster,
where its facade is. But not so many tourists go to the east side, back
of the Minster.
This area is a quiet corner. There is St William's College here, built
in 1453 for the Minster Chantry, which is said to be one of the most beautiful
half-timbered houses in York. The black painted timberes and the white
walls provided a vivid contrast. The eaves and the oriel windows are supported
by charming curved timbers.
The building was named after St William, Archbishop of York in 1154.
During the Civil War, Charles I set up the Royal Mint here.
Later, it was used as tenement dwellings, but was restored in the 1900s
to become the meeting place of the Northern Convocation. Housing a restaurant,
St William's College is now used for conferences, exhibitions and receptions.
On the north of St William's College, there is the Treasurer's House, the
home of the Treasurers of York Minster until 1547. The house, having been
repaired in the Jacobean style in the early 17th century, stands on the
site of a Roman building. The base of a Roman pillar can be seen in a cellar.
*ピューリタン革命 (the Civil War) 1640年から1660年までの20年間、チャールズ1世を支持する国王派と反国王的な議会派とのあいだで戦われた、イングランドの内戦。議会派の中心に国教会の急進改革派であるピューリタンが多かったことから、この内戦を日本ではこう呼んでいる。チャールズ1世は1649年にオリーヴァー・クロムウェルが主導する議会派によって処刑されたが、変革運動は1658年のクロムウェルの死後、混乱に陥り、失敗に終わった。1660年には王政復古 (the Restoration)がなり、前国王の息子がチャールズ2世として即位した。