遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

リーズ周辺 (Leeds' Environs)

26 ハロゲイト (Harrogate)



After Haworth and York, I would like to visit places around Leeds, a little far from it.

If you would like to spend gentle and elegant time in Yorkshire, I recommend you to stay at Harrogate. It has beautiful streets, houses and gardens. There are not so many cities more beautiful than Harrogate in England.
Harrogate, 14 miles to the north of Leeds, is a famous city having flourished as a spa town and a health resort since 1571, when the first mineral spring was discovered at the Tewitt Well. It was reputed increasingly since taking the waters cured various internal diseases and bathing in the waters remedied skin diseases.
The popularity of the spa reached its peak in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. And facilities such as the Royal Pomp Room, now a museum, and the Royal Baths were built. With the fashionable high-class hotels, restaurants and antique shops, the town acquired an elegant atmosphere of Victorian and Edwardine.
But the popurarity of the spa decilned sharply after the Great War, and the prosperity of Harrogate also declined. Since then, Harrogate has revived and become a new town as an international conference centre, full of flowers, retaining the elegant atmosphere of the good old days. In the heart of the city there is the Stray, a beautiful open space of common land of 200 acres.

In Japan, "spa" means hot springs, and mainly it is used for bathing not only to cure many diseases but to let us warm for relaxation and to enjoy bathing itself.
While we seldom take the waters, English people once liked to take them to cure their diseases. I wonder what taste it was. I heard that the sulfurous waters of the Royal Baths had the taste "being likened to bad eggs beaten up in paraffin". That sounds very unattractive but I missed to sample it for my personal experience.

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