遙かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)
リーズ周辺 (Leeds' Environs)
29 ニュービー・ホール [リポン] (Newby Hall, Ripon)
(An example of the decoration patterns of ceiling designed by Robert Adam)
A country house called Newby Hall lies 5 miles to the east of Fountains
Abbey, about 20 miles to the north of Leeds.
This country house was built by the design of Sir Christopher Wren in the 1690s. He was a great archtect introducing the Baroque style into England first, and he designed St Paul's Cathedral, London as well.
Newby Hall was remodelled in the 1760s by John Carr of York, an architect
of the classical style, and Robert Adam of the neo-classical. It has been said
the interior decorations of this house, designed by Robert Adam, are his
I cannot forget the gardens either, which has the reputation of one of
the most beautiful ones in England. The gardens extending over 25 acres
were laid out by Major Edward Compton in the 1920s. He spent over 50 years
to complete them.
The most distinguished gardens here are the double herbaceous borders flanked
by hedges of yew. They continue from the house to the River Ure flowing
in the south of the house. The borders are 290 yards long and unrivaled
in England. Behind the hedges of yew, there are many various gardens.
By the house, there are a series of formal gartdens; Sylvia's garden (a sunk garden), Rose garden, July garden, Autumn garden. Therefore the visitors can enjoy the gardens from spring to autumn. I regret not having visited there every season.
*ボーダー花壇 (border) 生け垣やレンガ塀に沿った帯状の細長い花壇で、灌木や草花が野性的に自由に植栽された花壇。19世紀の中頃に、ウィリアム・ロビンソンによって考案され、「新しいイングリッシュ・ガーデン」が生まれるきっかけとなった。いまではイングリッシュ・ガーデンの同義語ともなっている。