遙かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)

49 ベインブリッジ [ウェンズリーデイル] (Bainbridge, Wensleydale)

 ベインブリッジの北東に、アスクリッグという、落ち着いた雰囲気の小さな村がある。ジェイムズ・ヘリオットの自伝的小説『オール・クリエイチャース・グレート・アンド・スモール』(1972)[大橋吉之輔訳『ヘリオット先生奮戦記 上・下』、ハヤカワ文庫]を原作とした、同名のBBCテレビの国民的人気ドラマ・シリーズ(1978-80)の舞台となったところである。

Many villages of the Yorkshire Dales have greens. Bainbridge, 5 miles upwards from the Aysgarth Falls and a centre of the middle Wensleydale, is one of the most beautiful villages with greens in the Yorkshire Dales. The hotel "Rose and Crown" facing one of them is said to be more than 500 years old.
Bainbridge is also famous as a village, where a horn is blown at nine o'clock at night of winter days from Holy Rood (the 27th of September) to Shrove Tuesday. It is said that the horn, being blown to guide travelers crossing the fells at night, has echoed for 700 or 800 years.
This custom began in the Norman times when this area was reserved as the great Forest of Wensleydale and patrolled by 12 foresters who based on Bainbridge. Only a menber of the Metcalfe family has been able to perform the task of the hornblower.
I found a wooden framework standing in the green, which consisted of two thick plates with holes framed between posts. And I had seen such one in other villages as well. I didn't know what they were at first. Later I found out that they were stocks used to lock and expose the wrongdoers to public ridicule. I wonder when their use was discontinued.
I heard that there was a Roman fort in Bainbridge and the pass ascending to Wether Fell, a hill located to the southwest of the village, was once the Roman road. I went to see it and found it was just a mountain pass, and there was nothing which reminded me of the ancient road.
I was told the small and quiet village of Askrigg, to the northeast of Bainbridge was the site of the BBC TV drama "All Creatures Great and Small".

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