遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)

67 ゴアデイルの峡谷 [マーラムデイル] (Gordale Scar, Malhamdale)


Only one and a half miles east of Malham, there is another magnificient landscape of England, Gordale Scar. The gorge, made by Gordale Beck, is winding and cutting into limestone hills.
The walls overhanging from both sides are more than 200 feet in height. In the recesses of the narrowing gorge, Gordale Beck plunges in a sparkling waterfall.
James Ward, a contemporary painter with Turner, visited here in 1811 and sketched Gordale Scar. Later he painted several pictures in oil as scene that deer and cattle took shelter from the storm. They are very romantic pictures. I have seen the largest one, 131 x 166 inches, which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1815 and it is said to be his most important work, at Tate Gallery (now Tate Britain). The smaller one can be seen at Cartwright Memorial Hall, Bradford.
Turner visited Gordale Scar in 1806 and 1816 and made sketches. But he did not paint it in oil.
I suppose that he did not do so because he might have felt lagging behind Ward. Turner was too proud to paint a similar picture. Gordale Scar is more impressive than Malham Cove and a better subject for pictures,. When Turner saw the works of Ward, he must have regretted not having painted the gorge in oil before Ward.

(A farmhouse near Airton, Malhamdale)

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