遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ノース・ヨーク・ムーアズ (The North York Moors)

69 サットン・バンク・トップからの眺め (The View from Sutton Bank Top)



From here, I would like to walk around the North York Moors. There are many attractive spots drawing my inteerest.

There is the Humbleton Hills in the southwest of the Moors. The top of the southwest of the hills, being as flat as like a table, is called Sutton Bank Top. And the edge of it falls into the Vale of York, very broad one.
The View from Sutton Bank Top was very breathtaking indeed. I could see the vale spread below to the west and the Pennines were hazy in the distance.
James Herriot described this view as "the finest view in England" and he stopped his car to enjoy the view every time he drove along the A170.
Five miles to the west from here, there is the town of Thirsk. Dr Herriot lived at 23 Kirkgate of it. Now the house where he lived is "the World of James Herriot Museum".
It is said the edge of the west side of Sutton Bank Top collapsed in 1755, leaving a rocky cliff.
The cliff looks white, so it is called "White Mare Crag" connecting with the legend of a devil and Sir Henry de Scriven. It says as follows.
At one dark night, Sir Henry was invited to night riding by the abbot of Rievaulx Abbey. The abbot was a devil in disguise. As they were galloping on Sutton Bank Top, Sir Henry was led to the edge of it. And as his white mare, borrowed from the abbot, tripped there, he fell to the cliff beneath. When he looked upwards tumbling down, the abbot changed into the appearance of a devil with cloven hooves and horns on his head. The devil swept down above him. And Sir Henry was slain to death.
Today, no devil appears but gliders of the Yorkshire Gliding Club take off from the bank and fly over it, making use of thermals.
Beneath the cliff, there is Lake Gormire, a very small lake. Watercolourist John Sell Cotman visited this area with Paul Sandby, also a watercolourist, in 1803 and painted the lake as if it were a lake of grandeure and romance in the Lake District or the Alps. The privilege to express landscapes exaggeratingly is given only to the artits.
Hembleton Hills and its surrounding are the places I like most, since there are many interesting and pleasing spots for me.

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