遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)
ノース・ヨーク・ムーアズ (The North York Moors)
73 ニューバラ・プライアリー [コックスウォルド近く] (Newburgh Priory, near Coxwold)
A mile to the southeast of Shandy Hall, there is Newburgh Priory, which
used to be the manor house of the Earl of Fauconberg, the patron of Laurence
The house is now owned by the Womwells. It is said that the headless remains
of Oliver Cromwell is hidden in the wall of "Cromwell's Room"
at this manor house.
I wonder whether the story is true or not. After the Restoration, the body
of Cromwell was dragged from Westminster Abbey, who was buried there as
Lord Protector, and hanged and beheaded at Tyburn by the order of Charles
II. Then the head of Cromwell was stuck at top of the pole in the front
of Westminster to be exposed, and the other remains were to be buried in
the hole dug for criminals.
The story starts from here. The headless remains of Cromwell were laid for two days at the Red Lion Inn, Holbone. Then , it is believed that Cromwell's third daughter Mary, who married Thomas Bellasis, Earl of Fauconberg as his second wife, exchanged her father's remains for other ones. Mary carried the headless body of Cromwell to Newburgh Priory and put it in the vault of one room and bricked it up . There is a inscription saying "In this vault, it is beliebed , are Oliver Cromwell's bones, brought here by his daughter Mary, Countess of Fauconberg, at the Restoration, when his remains were disinterred from Westminster Abbey."
But there is another story saying the remains were hidden in a sarcophagus
in the roof. Is Cromwell's headless body really in the wall or in the roof?
It is said that when Edward VII stayed at the house he wished to see the
remains of Cromwell. But the Womwells, who had held the estates since 1825,
refused the King's request.
As they have no will to open the vault, which was sealed in 1661, to confirm
the legend, the mystery will never been resoled forever. It might be good
that the secret is a secret, I think.
I heard the Earl was a Royalist. So it is curious for me that the Earl
married his enemy's daughter.