遙かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway May Yorkshire)
ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)
64 ブリマムの奇岩群 [ニダーデイル近く] (Brimham Rocks, near Nidderdale)
The dale stretching between Wharfedale and lower Wensleydale is Nidderdale.
On the eastern hillb of it, there are many monstrous rocks over 50 on the
moor over 60 acres. They are Brimham Rocks, one of the most amazing natural
scenens in Yorkshire.
They are hard millstone grit interspersed among the weaker sandstone bed.
Having been eroded little by little, they have become boulders and show
characteristic shapes like a pepper pot or a pawn.
I was utterly overpowered by their sizes. The heights of them are a couple
of dozens feet or more. The largest boulder is estimated to weigh 500 tons.
Many of rocks have names from its fantastic shapes such as Crown Rock,
the Turtle, the Baboon, Dancing Bear. Boar's Head, Sleeping Hare, Mushroom
Rock, Brimham Monster, Roaring Lion, Eagle's Beak, the Crocodiles, Henry
VIII and the Druid's Idol. Many of these names are said to have been applied
in Victorian. Some of boulders have become rocking stones by the erosion
of their plinths.
The boulders, painted in this watercolour, must have their names. But I
have forgotten them.
I have a photographic book featuring rocks and crags of England. I wonder
whethrer English people feel something sacred links to pre-historic megaliths
or Celtic worship of nature. Actually in old days, people believed that
the Druids made Brimham Rocks.
In Japan, some of huge and characteristic rocks in the shape are sacred
and worshipped, so climbing them is forbidden.
But in England nowadays, such rocks are good places for young people to
practice rock-cklimbing. I saw them challenging the rocks quite often.
ニダーデイルの眺め (The View of Nidderdale from above Lofthouse)
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