遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

リーズ (Leeds)

7 ノース・リグトンからの眺め (The View from North Rigton)

 ここに登ると、360度ヨークシャーが見渡せる。英語でローリング・ヒルズ(rolling hills)と表現される、ゆるやかにうねる丘は、どこまでもつづいている。そしてヘッジロウ(生け垣)やドライ・ストーン・ウォールという石積みで区切られた畑や草地、羊の放牧地などが、パッチ・ワークのようにつづいている。

About 9 miles to the north from the centre of Leeds, North Rigton rock stands in the meadows. Climbing to the top of it, I could see Yorkshire in every direction. Rolling hils streched out for miles as far as I could see. Hedgerows and dry stone walls extended there, making green patchworks of meadows and fields.
On the south, the River Wharfe flows between green meadows. And there was a railway viaduct running from Harrogate to Leeds across the river. And the arches of the viaduct ranged rhythmically. In the distance beyond them, the town of Leeds was in the haziness.
The east was the direction of the old city York, though I could not see it well. On the west, the Pennines streched from south to north.
It was when I saw the sceneries from North Rigotn that I found the beauty of the countryside in England, and my almost every weekend driving to the countryside of Yorkshire started from here.
English people often use the word "picturesque"when they express the beauty of landscapes of countryside. It is not too much to say that one of the most beautiful things of England is this very countryside.
The "English garden", which were born in the 18th century to reproduce the landscape of pictures painted by Claude Lorraine or Nicolas Pousssin, meant the gardens like landscapes. There exist such landscapes everywhere. Just imagine the landscapes around you of no hedgerows or dry stone walls, all the landscapes turn to be very "English gardens".
Even though there are hedgrows or dry stone walls, the landscapes are beautiful enough, of course.

ノース・リグトンからの眺め、II (The View from North Rigton, II)
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*ドライ・ストーン・ウォール (dry stone wall)  農耕地や羊の放牧地の境界線を示す石積み。割り石を1m数十cmの高さに積んで造った石壁で、漆喰などで固めていないので「ドライ」と呼ばれる。18世紀後半、第2次囲い込み運動がさかんになった時代に、土地の境界線を明確にするために、延々とつくられていった。

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