遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)

38 アップルトゥリーウィック付近 [ウォーフデイル] (Near Appletreewick, Wharfedale)


 ディック(リチャード)・ホイッティントン(Sir Richard Whittington)とは、1398年、1406年そして1419年と3度ロンドン市長となり、計6年間、その職務をつとめた人物である。庶民的な人気があり、数々の冒険小説的な伝説を生んだ、英雄的人物である。


Wharfedale II, near Appletreewick
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The beauty of dales' landscapes is made by oak and sycamore trees, dry stone walls and stone houses on the slopes of the hills. Paticulary the dry stone walls sometimes run on the slopes in good order and some other times run freely making beautiful patterns. Those charming landscapes can be seen everywhere in the Yorkshire Dales. As I was so fasinated by them, I often kept looking at them.
And wharfedale is the definitive place which tempted me to drive almost every weekend around the dales. If I had not known the beauty of the dales, I can say, I would not have known more than a half of the charm and beauty of Yorkshire.
In the 5 miles upper of Wharfedale from the ruins of Bolton Abbey, there is a village of Appletreewick. What a lovely named village it is!
This village is the home of Sir William Craven, the most distinguished daleman. Although he was born in a poor home at the village nearby, he journeyed to seek his fortune and eventually became the Lord Mayor of the City of London in 1610 and was called the "Dick Whitington of the Dales".
I could see many lovely landscapes near here. Thomas Girtin (in 1801) and John Sell Cotman (in 1803) painted lovely pictures of Wharfedale in watercolours. I suppose the pictures must have been painted around here, but I could not identify the exact places.

オークの葉とそのドングリ(Leaves and acorns of oak)
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